Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Resources: horsetackreview.com

I'm reviewing another review site? You betcha! horsetackreview.com is a fantastic website, and one I refer to often when tack shopping.

Users submit reviews of equipment they've actually bought, citing the brand and model, place of purchase, and cost; along with a summary of the buyer's experience and likes/dislikes. The site is popular enough that readers can often get multiple opinions on a single tack model, giving the discerning buyer a clearer view of possible purchases. And while it's best to take any review with a grain of salt and to visit a tack store or dealer to assess big-ticket items like saddles, horsetackreview.com can go a long way to helping buyers narrow down their search.

The site is broken down by category: English, Western, Horse Gear, and Barn & Stable - each with multiple sub-categories for the different disciplines and styles under each heading. In addition, horsetackreview.com is easy to navigate, and reviews are ordered alphabetically by brand, and then by model - which means you don't end up scrolling through page after page of search results like you would on Google.

My rating for this site: **** (5 out of 5 stars)

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